Retirement Strategies
Coming up with a retirement savings plan of your own can be stressful. No matter how you plan to spend your years in retirement, you don’t want to worry about a lack of income. Retirement planning shouldn’t be an afterthought but rather a focus from as early as your 20s. If you want to get started on the right track contact one of our licensed agents, who can help prepare a retirement strategy designed to help secure your financial future.
Questions You May Have
- How do I start saving for retirement?
- Am I saving enough for retirement? How long will my retirement savings last?
- What is the retirement age?
- What role does Social Security play in my retirement planning?
- How much do I need in my retirement savings?
- What should I do if I haven't started saving for retirement yet?
- How do I withdraw from my retirement accounts?
Proper planning for retirement demands that everyone knows the answer to these questions and so much more. WFG licensed agents can show you how to create a tailored retirement strategy designed to help you live well in your golden years.

What We Offer
When you work with World Financial Group, one of our licensed agents will be able to design a retirement savings strategy that won’t impede on your current lifestyle. Find out how to save for retirement based on your place of residence!

- In the United States, our product offerings include annuities, which you purchase from an insurance company in either a single payment or through a series of payments. Your payout can come in either in a lump sum or be paid out over time. Our life licensed agents can offer fixed and fixed indexed annuities from a variety of providers.
- In Canada, our properly licensed agents can offer Registered Retirement Savings Plans (RRSPs) or Tax-Free Savings Accounts (TFSA), with agreements with leading product providers, to help you save for retirement. While an RRSP is specifically designed for retirement savings, a TFSA can be used for this purpose or any savings goal. Please ask your WFG agent which one would be right for you.
Frequently Asked Questions
When should I start saving for my retirement?
The best time to start saving for retirement is as early as possible. Starting early allows you to contribute smaller amounts each year towards your retirement goal.
Should I work with an agent for retirement planning?
We think so! WFG’s independent agents are trained financial professionals with experience in retirement planning. Your agent can work with you to create a personalized retirement plan tailored to your unique financial situation. Agents can help develop a strategy that aligns with your retirement goals, then provide ongoing support, regularly reviewing your retirement trajectory.
How much should I contribute to my retirement accounts?
The amount you need to save for retirement depends on when you plan to retire and your preferred living standard. Do you plan to travel extensively or downsize your home? You may want to create a list of your expected retirement expenses. Include essential costs such as housing, healthcare, food, and utilities, as well as estimated expenses for your enjoyment like entertainment and travel. A licensed WFG agent can help you create a comprehensive retirement strategy and adjust it as needed over time.
Can I access my retirement savings whenever I want?
If possible, try to leave this money alone to work for you. Withdrawing from retirement accounts before a certain age may trigger tax withdrawal penalties. Consider alternative sources of funds before tapping into retirement accounts. Even if you’re changing jobs, rolling over into a new employer's plan or leaving the funds where they are is often recommended.

We Are Here to Help
Need help choosing products and services to pursue your financial goals? Our financial professionals are standing by with the insight and tools you need to put them within reach.